
2 Rounds For Quality:

8 I’s, Y’s and T’s (with light change plates)
5 Strict Hanging Leg Raises
0:10 Hanging L-Hold
10 Plate Squats
8 Curtsey Squats (per leg)
*For the I’s, Y’s and T’s lay belly down on a bench and make an I with your arms and lift them up and down (not touching the ground), perform 8 reps of I’s then form a Y and perform 8 reps then a T and perform 8 reps. These should be done with light change plates and controlling the way down. Don’t go all the way down to the floor. For the plate squats hold the plate in front of you with arms straight. For the curtsey squats do all 8 reps on one leg then switch to the other.


10:00 EMOM

3 Power Cleans
*75-80% of 1RM power clean
**These should be all quick singles


For Quality:

DB Bench
Strict Pull Ups
*Bench should be challenging but unbroken at least for the first 12 reps. If you have various DBs you could also go up in weight each set.

Categories: WOD

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