
5 Rounds For Time:

10 Bar Facing Burpees
5 Power Cleans @185/125lbs
*Alternate rounds with a partner or rest 1:00 after each set. 5 rounds each!


10:00 AMRAP

Bar Muscle Ups
Ring Muscle Ups
*Rest 1:2, if you can alternate in a team of 2-3 people, you do 1 bmu then your partner does 1 bmu then your other partner does 1 bmu and so on so forth. If you don’t have partners rest 0:10-0:20-0:30-0:40-etc…

**Scale to a barbell weight that you can do t&g unbroken for all 5 reps. If you have bar muscle ups but not ring then just do 10:00 amrap of bar muscle ups. Otherwise sub double the reps c2b and ttb so it would go; 2-4-6-8-10-12-14-etc… C2B Pull Ups and TTB.

Categories: WOD

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