Strict Pull-Up (41X0 tempo)
4 sets of 6-8 reps
– Rest 2 minutes between sets
*Note: Weight or band assist as needed
“Break it Down”
4 Rounds for Time:
400m run
8 Dual Dumbbell front squats 50/35lb
6 Dual Dumbbell push press 50/35lb
4 Dual Dumbbell thrusters 50/35lb
Rest 2 minutes between each round
*50/35lb (22.5/15kg)
– If runs take longer than 2:15 scale to 250m.
– If someone cannot go unbroken on the dumbbells for at least the first 2 sets scale to 35/25/15lbs (15/12.5/7.5kg).
– If there aren’t enough DBs, sub a 75/55lb barbell.
– Substitute a 500m Row for the Run as needed.