
8:00 EMOM

3 T&G Power Cleans
*These should be t&g at a weight that is challenging but that you can move well. As a reference it should be around 65-70% of 1rm clean.


8:00 AMRAP

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-… SHSPUs
25 DUs
*add one rep of the SHSPUs each round but keep the DUs the same each time.


3 Sets For Quality:

8 Ring Dips
12 Prone DB Rows
*Quality work at the end of class with time left
**Control the way down on the dips and the rows. Scale to dips on a bench or box if needed or sub strict ring dips if you don’t have parallel bars.

Categories: WOD

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