
For Time:

5-4-3-2-1 Squat Cleans
7 Ring Dips

Rest 5:00

1-2-3-4-5 Squat Cleans
7 Ring Dips
*Squat Cleans should be moderately heavy weight to do in singles, prescribed weight would be 225/155lbs but pick something you can move well and stay consistent with.
**Rest 1:1 with a partner so partner 1 does 5 cleans and 10 dips then partner 2 does 5 cleans and 10 dips and so on. If you don’t have a partner rest 0:30 after each set. If needed scale the dip volume down to 5 reps, these should be either unbroken or 2 sets at most.


4 Rounds For Quality:

0:20 L-Sit Hold
12 Double DB Prone Rows
8/8 Alternating DB Curls
*Quality work at the end of class
**Use a bench or box for the prone rows. Pick a DB weight that is moderate/light and control each rep on the way down. For the L-Sit adjust the elevation or keep your knees bent in order to hold it for 0:20 unbroken.

Categories: WOD

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