As Many Reps as possible in 2 minutes.
EMOM 12 minutes:
Minute 1 – Seated Single Leg Pike Lifts for 20-30 seconds
Minute 2 – Tuck Hollow To Double Leg Extensions for 20-30 seconds
Minute 3 – Grounded Hip Extensions for 20-30 seconds
EMOM 20 min:
1) 30 sec ring muscle ups or rope climbs
*athlete’s choice or alternate
2) 30 sec single DB box step ups @ 50/35lb to 24/20″
3) 30 sec wall walks
4) 30 sec DB snatches @ 50/35lb
5) 30 sec shuttle runs (2x25ft=1)
Note: have athletes partner up with similar ability athletes. Then alter the order of the EMOM or have them go on the 30 secs as you go, I go
– Scale RMU and/or Rope Climbs to Strict Ring Dips.