

5 alternating sets of:
A1. 3 Back squat @ 80-85%;
Rest 30 seconds
A2. 3 High box jumps
Rest 90 seconds


“The Hangout”

On a 12 min clock, get as far as you can:
2 rounds:
8 hang power snatch @75/55lb
8 pull ups

–rest 1:00 —

2 rounds
8 hang split snatch @75/55lb
6 CTB pull ups

–rest 1:00 —

2 rounds
8 hang squat snatch @75/55lb
4 bar muscle ups

–rest 1:00 —

Note: If you finish the bar muscle up round, go back to the first couplet

– Scale barbell weight to 65/45.
– Scale pull ups to Jumping Pull ups.
– Scale Chest to Bar to Ring rows.
– Scale BMU to Banded Strict Pull ups.

Categories: WOD

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