
For Quality:

1-2-3-4-5 Wall Walks
5 Strict Chest to Bar Pull Ups
*Scale down as needed to keep the pull ups unbroken. Use a band if necessary. For the wall walks walk to a distance that is sustainable for this amount of volume pause for 2/3” at the top of each wall walk.


For Time:

00-1000-2000m Row
100ft HSW (rig to rig and back)
100 DUs
*Row 500 meters then 100ft HSW and 100 DUs then 1000m Row and so on so forth.
**30:00 Time Cap
***Scale to one minute of hsw practice or sub 30 HS Shoulder Taps or Hand Lifts. For the DUs practice 1:00 or sub 150 Single Unders.

Categories: WOD

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