Back Squat
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Reps
*Go every minute for the first 5 rounds, then go every 0:90. So reps 1 to 5 on the min and reps 6 to 10 every 0:90.
**Pick something that is 50% or less of your 1RM, you should be confident with that weight and able to keep good form and speed out of the bottom.
3 Rounds For Time: (w/partner)
30 Clean and Jerks @135/95lbs
60 Bar Facing Burpees
*Rest 2:00 after each round, add weight if you can. Prescribed weight would be 155/105lbs for round two and 185/125lbs for round three. You can also keep all rounds at the same weight if you want. As a suggestion the first weight should be something you can do 5s t&g with, round two you should be able to do 3s t&g and quick singles on round three.
**25:00 Time Cap