
Every 0:30 x10 Minutes:

1 Squat Snatch @75% of 1RM
*Smooth solid reps here. Try to make the first one look like the last one.


For Time: (w/partner)

100 KB Swings @70/53lbs (American)
100 OH Squats @95/65lbs
100 Burpee Box Jumps @24/20”
*Split reps as desired with a partner. Try to hold at least 10s on the KB Swings and OH Squats and 5s on the burpee box jumps.
**Scale barbell and kb weight to keep a minimum of 10 reps unbroken at a time. Adjust box height as needed to keep the burpee box jumps at a quick pace.

Categories: WOD

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